Monday, October 12, 2009

Selecting a Business School

Many people are faced with a dilemma on which College or university to do do their MBA. These are a few pointers on how to select your business school.

1. First of all you have to know why you want to pursue your MBA and what major you would like to graduate in. This is because most of the colleges offer you the common MBA programs, but if you want to major in a particular field which is not so common then you will have to find out which colleges offer the required major.

2. Know your potential - I say this because we all are not IIM (Indian Institute of Management) material. So you will have to set realistic targets for you to achieve. In case you don't achieve do you have a back up plan.

3. Select the college with proper accreditation - Make sure the college you enter has the proper accreditation and affiliation otherwise all your hard work will be of no use.

4. Select colleges with top ranking - If your in India there are more than 1600 colleges offering am MBA degree. So choosing the right college is very essential. Know this, it is the colleges with in the top 50 ranking that will help you reach high places. Because these colleges will have better placement and the pay packages you will receive will be much higher.

5. Fee - The university fees can sometimes be a point you have to consider. But i think it is not that much of an issue because if you are a very good student you may able to get a scholarship. else you can avail a student loan.

6. Study Abroad - If you gonna study abroad then you have a lot of things to look into. Apart from the top five points you will have to know the language, culture, racism, food...More about this will be discussed in my future articles.

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