Sunday, October 11, 2009

Is Experience Essential for Doing MBA?

Although some schools still consider it as a necessary criteria. But there are many schools which do not deem it as mandatory. As far i'm concerned I think it would be best if the student has some experience before he joins the MBA program. Let me tell you why?

1. These days there are a number of schools offering an MBA degree. In India alone there are more than 1600 business schools. As a result there are a number of students passing out. Getting a job has become very competetive. So what can give you an edge over the others? I'll tell you, it is your work experience that will get you places.

2. Due to prior experience at the work place you would have assed the places you need to improve and during the course of your study you could make those improvemnts.

3. In the class room your work experience will help you to better understand the concepts you are studying. This may not be the same for a person with out work experience.

4. During your job hunt you will be able to understand the needs of the employer and there fore you can prepare your self much better.

"Experience is the key to unlock your success"

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