Sunday, October 11, 2009


In my posts MBA is not Master of Bad Activities, its Master of Business Administration. There is a need to specify so, because of T-shirts like these.
Now that the abbreviation for MBA is cleared, lets move on to the topic at hand.

MBA is a masters level degree which can be pursued only after completion of bachelor degree programme. The bachelor degree need not be in business administration alone, it can be from any descipline. During the course of study the students are exposed to a variety of subjects. Usually the first year the student does his core subjects and then they persue their specialization in the second year.

The two major ways of classifying an MBA degree is by the specialization and the type of Program.

The specialization or major is a means by which we can classify MBA degrees. Although their major is different, the core courses are same for all the majors. Some of the common majors are given below:
1. General Management
2. Accounting
3. Finance
4. Marketing
5. Entrepreneurship
6. International Business
7. Organization Behaviour
8. Computer Information System
9. Operations Management
10. Tourism & Hospitality Management


1. Two year MBA programs - It usually take s place during two academic year period. Students enter with a reasonable amount of prior real-world work experience and take classes during weekdays like other university students. But some schools accept students without prior work experience.
2. Accelerated MBA programs or Fast Track MBA - These programs take lesser time to compleate the courese as a result the program involves a higher course load with more intense class and examination schedules
3. Part-time MBA programs - This program is targetted for working professionals and normally the classes are held on weekday evenings, after normal working hours, or on weekends. The students take a light course load for a longer period of time until the graduation requirements are met.
4. Executive MBA (EMBA) programs - This program is also targetted for working professionals and it was developed to meet the educational needs of managers and executives to earn an MBA in two years or less while working full time. Usually the students have a higher level of work experience when compared to others.
5. Distance learning MBA programs or Online MBA - Here the calsses are held off campus. There are various ways the program are offered. It could be postal mail, correspondence courses, e-mail, Videos, offline or online computer courses.
6. Dual MBA programs - Here a student can earn a dual specialization and the major advantage is it cuts cost and time.

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